Monday, December 22, 2008

Time to say "good-bye" once again

We have been in the United States since November 7th and what a great time we've had, but at the same time we are ready to get back down to Honduras and continue the work God has called us to do.

While in the states we have been on the road ever since we hit U.S. soil either visiting with family, friends or churches. God did allow us to have some down time while we were out and about as well.

Lori taking it easy after a long day of travels

Richie sharing the ministry

Even though we have returned to the states God's work never ceases no matter where God takes us. We have been in IL, AL, TN, NC, MS, FL, and Germany. We have met so many people along the way and able to share the ministry with all we have come into contact with over the past 6 weeks. We also had some time to spend with team members that came down over the summer.

Enjoying the outdoors..... AWESOME!

We will be heading back to Honduras this weekend and it will be another time of mixed emotions as we leave family and friends once again, but say hello to our Honduran family.

We want to say "Thank You" for all the prayers and support since we've been on the field. We can't express our appreciation enough to each of you. We thank God each and every day for the people he has put in our lives and the encouragement that we get from each and every one.

Prayer Requests
1. Street Kids and The People of Honduras
2. Health and Safety
3. Residency Process
4. The Ministry
5. Truck
(We have purchased the truck, but still have to pay the other half)
6. Our Son in Iraq
7. Financial Support

Until next time may God Bless you and have a Merry Christmas.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mixed Emotions and The Mississippi Team

Well we are back in the states as of Friday and what an emotional roller coaster it has been. It was very difficult saying good bye to the boys and seeing the expressions on their faces as we said our last good byes, but it was good to see family and friends once again here in the states. While we are here our hearts are still in Honduras with the boys and staff of F.C.M. We are missing our little Saprissa as well.

Richie and Saprissa

We spent some time with our Honduras family and friends just before leaving. What a great time to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. God truly has put such great people in our lives in our short time there.

Our family and friends in Honduras

A night at our house with Luis, Moises, and Lester (Notice the Georgia Bulldogs Shirts....Way Cool!)

Please be praying for all our little street kids that come to our house each day to receive food. We have left food for them while we are in the states, so they will still be able to receive a meal on a daily basis.

Lori and Ingrid

Lori, Jocelin, and Nelson

Nelson, Jose, Noel, Richie, and Gabriel

Enrique and Eduardo

We will be heading out to Germany this week to see our son Tim before he leaves for Iraq on his second tour. We can't wait to see him! Please keep him in your prayers as he goes and serves our country and freedom. We are so proud of him and his service as well as all the others serving along beside him.

Tim standing in front of his tank (Iraq)

With the help of Nap Barranco we were able to finish the roof of the new bodega and almost all the walls before we left. Thanks Nap!


While we are in the states we will be heading to Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Illinois, Mississippi, and other areas of Tennessee to visit with churches and supporters. Please pray that God will keep His hand of protection on us as we travel.

We will be heading back to Honduras at the end of December or the first of January and start working with teams once again. We have 19 teams lined up so far for next year. God is good!

Mississippi Team

We had a team come in from Kosciusko, Mississippi and had a wonderful time ministering with them. Their work consisted of four nights of evanglism in Monte Rodondo, Discipleship classes with the staff of F.C.M. and the women of Monte Redondo, Classes with the boys, and food ministry as well. They brought five youth with them that were AWESOME. They served with such passion while they were there. We will truly miss you guys and look forward to seeing you in the future.

Our youth buddies (miss you guys)

Discipleship Classes with the Ladies

Classes with the Kids

Food Ministry

Ronnie, Nestor, and Nixon

Linda and Wilmer

Good job guys! We will see y'all next year.

Until next time take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So Now What?

Well the teams have gone for the summer with only two teams left to come during November and December. Even though we don't have teams here there is still a ton of ministry to be done on a daily basis. We have started English and Discipleship classes once again. We still have construction projects going as well as taking care of 54 boys and visiting the street kids. We are in the community of Monte Redondo hoping to meet some of the needs they may have as well.

Over the past few months we have been ministering to a family that has a little girl (Nelly Ileana) that has been very sick for months now. It seems that she has had infection after infection, but the doctors think they have finally found the problem as to why she has so many infections. Unfortunately the problem requires surgery. This little girl is such a trooper and always seems to be able to smile amongst the pain she is in. Yesterday the mother (Carol) called us at 6 a.m. and was at the hospital with her daughter, but didn't have enough money to get the exams done. We went to the hospital and F.C.M. was able to help her with the exams this little girl desperately needed and now they have more information concerning her condition. Today the mother asked Lori and I if we could be the God Parents of her little girl. What an honor it was to be asked to be a part of this little girls life. It's truly amazing how Jesus shows Himself to others in all situations. Only through Him is any of this possible. Please be praying for this little girl and her surgery.

Here are some photos of the little girl and her family:

Richie and Nelly Ileana

Nelly Ileana and her family

Please be in prayer for the ministry, staff, and missionaries both here and in the states.

Que Dios Les Bendiga! (That God Bless You All)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Birmingham, Alabama and Quitman, Mississippi Teams

Well, we just finished up our summer teams today and what a summer it's been. We have seen God do some amazing things over the last few months and so many lives touched through the teams He sent here to Honduras.

We had a team come from Birmingham, Alabama that held a medical clinic for the people in Monte Redondo as well as V.B.S, a Pastors Conference, Evangelistic Services for each person that came through the clinic, a rolling medical clinic, food ministry, street ministry, clothe ministry, and construction on the bodega (storage building). They saw over 800 people come through the clinic in 3 days with many decisions to follow Christ. It is truly amazing how God can take a hand full of people and accomplish so much in a week. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with them and look forward to their return.

Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Here are a few photos of their trip:

Food Ministry

Rolling Medical Clinic

People waiting to see the Dr. Brent


Lifting the rafters

The Team (You Guys Are AWESOME)


Our next team came from Quitman, Mississippi and let me tell you they are troopers. They had only planned on staying 7 days with us, but compliments of Hurricane Ike they stayed an extra three days. They never missed an opportunity to share the Gospel during their extended stay. Over the week they did food ministry, construction on the bodega, handed out tracts and bibles, visited an orphanage, street ministry, and activities with the boys of the ministry.

Pastor Gene sharing with a police officer in Downtown Teguc.

Spending time with the boys

Showing some love to one of the street kids

Street Kids

Loving Honduras

The Team

There two men I want to share about that came with this team. These guys never slowed down and at every opportunity you would see them sharing the Love of Christ with whoever they met. There names are Mr. Bobby and Mr. Cotton and what makes them so unique is they are 82 and 83 years old. They are such men of Faith! They are already planning to revisit Honduras next year. I would just like to thank both of them for listening to God's call on their lives and being such an inspiration to the rest of us. And as Mr. Bobby would say "Whatever". We love you guys and look forward to seeing you in the near future.

Mr. Bobby spending time with the kids at the orphanage

Mr. Cotton spending time with the kids at the orphanage

Receiving their awards (Stan, Mr. Bobby, Mr. Cotton, and Pastor Gene)

We would like to give a HUGE THANKS to all of our teams that have taken their time out of their busy schedules to be the hands and feet of Jesus this year.

We still have two more teams scheduled to come down this year, so please be in prayer for them as they are preparing for their trip.

Until next time, God Bless!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

North Carolina - Hickory Grove Baptist Church Team

We had a team come in from North Carolina this past week and had a great time in ministry with them. They had a team of ten people and God used them in a mighty way to get His work accomplished. They did food ministry, spent time with the boys, fed some kids that are living on the streets and helped us out with our second youth service in Monte Redondo.

Giving food to the kids on the streets.

Sharing the Gospel with the kids. Two of them raised their hand to accept the Lord as their Personal Savior. What an exciting time to see people start a new life in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The team spent the first part of every morning giving out food to the people of Honduras. This is just one of the houses along our route that rely on God to provide all their needs. It's so good to see the smiles on their faces as God continually provides their needs. The team shared the Love of Jesus with each of these families with many decisions to follow Christ.

Mike sharing the Gospel during one of the visits.

Another house in our food ministry.

The team at Gloria's house.

Lori sizing shoes for a little girl that didn't have any.

Some places aren't so easy to get to, especially by vehicle.

The poverty here is so great that when the people see the bus they come from everywhere in hopes that a bag of beans or rice will be available. God always seems to give us just enough to share with these people as well.

People waiting for food and clothing.

We had our second youth service this week and was a huge success as we had 63 kids show up for the service. The Hickory Grove team shared a drama and our Honduran Director shared the message. The kids are so excited about the new service that they asked me on Wednesday night if it was going to be at the same time this coming week.

Luis preaching to the youth of Monte Redondo.

Ministry boys helping with the youth service.

We want to thank this team for all the hard work this week and we look forward to their return in the future.

We are ending our summer teams and what a summer it's been. God has done so much through our short term mission teams that we stand in awe of His moving. We have two weeks off and then our medical team will be arriving. Please be in prayer for them as they prepare for a big week as they will be serving the people of Honduras. The last Medical team we had saw over 1,200 people and each person heard the Gospel before entering the clinic.

To God be the glory in all that He does!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Our Home Church - Morris Hill Baptist Church

We had the pleasure last week of having our home church come down and serve with us. It was a great time of seeing our church family and catching up on things back home. We Love You Guys!

They helped us with starting a youth service for our boys as well as the youth of Monte Redondo and what a blessing it was. The team had gone out into the village and handed out flyer's to all the youth and hung them up in the local pulperias along the way. I figured if we had 40 show up it would be a good start and the youth would catch a vision of what youth ministry could look like, but God had a different plan. The first day we had around 120 youth show up. I was blown away at this point and realized God really wanted to do something HUGE during the week. The next day rolled and I thought to myself "what if we have a 150 youth today?" Well to my surprise about 200 showed up for the service. God is truly awesome! The team did a time of worship, a drama, a message and Bible studies with the boys at the farm. The boys in our ministry were so excited about doing youth ministry that some of our boys did one of the dramas for the Wednesday night service. It was really cool to see them catch the vision God had set before us. They are ready to start a worship band as well.

During Wednesday night service we had around 100 people show up for the regular service. In three days 450 people came through the doors of the church with 60 decisions to follow Christ.


Having some fun with the kids of Monte Redondo

Sharing the message

The team also did food ministry to many families. In one situation the whole family came to know the Lord as their Personal Savior.

Food Ministry

Please be in prayer as we continue these youth services every Tuesday from 3-4 pm.

Here is a short video from the service.

To God be the Glory!