Monday, September 15, 2008

Birmingham, Alabama and Quitman, Mississippi Teams

Well, we just finished up our summer teams today and what a summer it's been. We have seen God do some amazing things over the last few months and so many lives touched through the teams He sent here to Honduras.

We had a team come from Birmingham, Alabama that held a medical clinic for the people in Monte Redondo as well as V.B.S, a Pastors Conference, Evangelistic Services for each person that came through the clinic, a rolling medical clinic, food ministry, street ministry, clothe ministry, and construction on the bodega (storage building). They saw over 800 people come through the clinic in 3 days with many decisions to follow Christ. It is truly amazing how God can take a hand full of people and accomplish so much in a week. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with them and look forward to their return.

Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Here are a few photos of their trip:

Food Ministry

Rolling Medical Clinic

People waiting to see the Dr. Brent


Lifting the rafters

The Team (You Guys Are AWESOME)


Our next team came from Quitman, Mississippi and let me tell you they are troopers. They had only planned on staying 7 days with us, but compliments of Hurricane Ike they stayed an extra three days. They never missed an opportunity to share the Gospel during their extended stay. Over the week they did food ministry, construction on the bodega, handed out tracts and bibles, visited an orphanage, street ministry, and activities with the boys of the ministry.

Pastor Gene sharing with a police officer in Downtown Teguc.

Spending time with the boys

Showing some love to one of the street kids

Street Kids

Loving Honduras

The Team

There two men I want to share about that came with this team. These guys never slowed down and at every opportunity you would see them sharing the Love of Christ with whoever they met. There names are Mr. Bobby and Mr. Cotton and what makes them so unique is they are 82 and 83 years old. They are such men of Faith! They are already planning to revisit Honduras next year. I would just like to thank both of them for listening to God's call on their lives and being such an inspiration to the rest of us. And as Mr. Bobby would say "Whatever". We love you guys and look forward to seeing you in the near future.

Mr. Bobby spending time with the kids at the orphanage

Mr. Cotton spending time with the kids at the orphanage

Receiving their awards (Stan, Mr. Bobby, Mr. Cotton, and Pastor Gene)

We would like to give a HUGE THANKS to all of our teams that have taken their time out of their busy schedules to be the hands and feet of Jesus this year.

We still have two more teams scheduled to come down this year, so please be in prayer for them as they are preparing for their trip.

Until next time, God Bless!