Monday, November 10, 2008

Mixed Emotions and The Mississippi Team

Well we are back in the states as of Friday and what an emotional roller coaster it has been. It was very difficult saying good bye to the boys and seeing the expressions on their faces as we said our last good byes, but it was good to see family and friends once again here in the states. While we are here our hearts are still in Honduras with the boys and staff of F.C.M. We are missing our little Saprissa as well.

Richie and Saprissa

We spent some time with our Honduras family and friends just before leaving. What a great time to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. God truly has put such great people in our lives in our short time there.

Our family and friends in Honduras

A night at our house with Luis, Moises, and Lester (Notice the Georgia Bulldogs Shirts....Way Cool!)

Please be praying for all our little street kids that come to our house each day to receive food. We have left food for them while we are in the states, so they will still be able to receive a meal on a daily basis.

Lori and Ingrid

Lori, Jocelin, and Nelson

Nelson, Jose, Noel, Richie, and Gabriel

Enrique and Eduardo

We will be heading out to Germany this week to see our son Tim before he leaves for Iraq on his second tour. We can't wait to see him! Please keep him in your prayers as he goes and serves our country and freedom. We are so proud of him and his service as well as all the others serving along beside him.

Tim standing in front of his tank (Iraq)

With the help of Nap Barranco we were able to finish the roof of the new bodega and almost all the walls before we left. Thanks Nap!


While we are in the states we will be heading to Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Illinois, Mississippi, and other areas of Tennessee to visit with churches and supporters. Please pray that God will keep His hand of protection on us as we travel.

We will be heading back to Honduras at the end of December or the first of January and start working with teams once again. We have 19 teams lined up so far for next year. God is good!

Mississippi Team

We had a team come in from Kosciusko, Mississippi and had a wonderful time ministering with them. Their work consisted of four nights of evanglism in Monte Rodondo, Discipleship classes with the staff of F.C.M. and the women of Monte Redondo, Classes with the boys, and food ministry as well. They brought five youth with them that were AWESOME. They served with such passion while they were there. We will truly miss you guys and look forward to seeing you in the future.

Our youth buddies (miss you guys)

Discipleship Classes with the Ladies

Classes with the Kids

Food Ministry

Ronnie, Nestor, and Nixon

Linda and Wilmer

Good job guys! We will see y'all next year.

Until next time take care and God Bless.