We want to try and keep eveyone updated on the political unrest here in Honduras. As of Monday morning ex-president Mel Zelaya worked his way back into the country of Honduras. He is now holed up in the Brazilian Embassy surrounded by Honduran police and military. The Intrim government here has asked for the Brazilian Embassy to hand over Zelaya. All power, phones, and electricity have been cut off in that area and the country has been under curfew as of 4pm Monday. The curfew has been extended to 6am Wednesday morning and all air travel has been suspended both in and out of the country. There have been demonstrations taking place, but have been quickly dissolved by the national police and military. All major roads leading into and out of the city have been blocked to hold down on any protests here in the capital. So far everything has been relatively calm.
We will be posting updates through Facebook and with the office in the U.S.
We have recieved many e-mails and phone calls checking to see how we are. We so appreciate everyone that have sent encouraging words and the prayers that have been lifted up. We are doing fine and have been very safe through all the unrest that has taken place. Hopefully the curfew will be lifted very soon and we can go back to business as normal, but until then we will stay in our house until things improve.
Thanks for all your prayers and support during this time. I always remember what my pastor told me "there is no safer place than where God has you" and we know that God has us here and that He is in control of everything.
God Bless,
Richie and Lori Womack
Tegucigalpa, Honduras