Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sacrifice or Privilege?

We will be leaving in the next few days and the word that has been brought up on many occasions is "sacrifice". I began thinking about this word and what it truly means. Is leaving a country you grew up in, starting a new life where people speak a different language, and giving up the comforts of what we know life to be really a sacrifice? Well for me the answer was "no". It is more of a privilege than a sacrifice when God calls someone to serve Him. You see the way I see it, God never asked me to give up my son for the world and yet He did. That to me was the greatest sacrifice ever and to ever be. I could never repay what God did for me and the rest of the world, but I can be obedient in changing a few simple ways of life for Him especially when He has changed my life for eternity.

Want to know more about this life changing experience click on the following link :

Here is a little video of the boys singing "Open the eyes of my heart Lord"

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